Paulo Luis
I’ve been part of the extended Abrigo family for 11 years now. Having suffered life-long debilitating injuries from a car accident as a teenager, I’ve spent a great deal of my adult life volunteering with different agencies. I truly found a home when I came to Abrigo for the first time.
Abrigo’s Life and Hope seniors program operates on Abrigo’s second floor and for many years there was no elevator up to that space. With each visit, I saw the struggles many seniors had to endure to climb to the top of those steep stairs. Many of them furiously out of breath at the end of their journey. Then, as our day finished, I witnessed the slow and difficult challenge they faced as they descended those same stairs.
When I first heard about Abrigo’s plan to install an elevator to the second floor, I thought it was great. I knew it would make a world of difference and that I wanted to help Abrigo out. When asked by an Abrigo staff member if I would consider supporting their “Give Abrigo A Lift” capital campaign, it was an easy decision for me to give. There is a feeling of satisfaction knowing that your support will benefit others and I hoped that my gift would inspire others to give.
With my commitment to the campaign made, I reached out to family members who I thought might contribute as well. As we age, accessibility issues are critical and having had a parent with a mobility issue really puts things into perspective. With information from Abrigo about the project with me, I spoke to my sister and she quickly saw the value in supporting the urgently needed elevator. Helping others in the Portuguese community is a priority and together we were delighted to extend our family’s support. I returned to Abrigo the next week with cheques in hand.
I support Abrigo financially because the organization does great work. The volunteers and staff members are number one. I love the people of Abrigo, they treat everyone with respect and dignity.

Each day I’m there I feel a sense of community. The people at Abrigo are the reason why I come back week after week.
How You Can Help?
Every donation to Abrigo is an investment in our community.
By Phone Call
For more information please contact Gerald Luciano, Manager, Fundraising and Communications at 416-534-3434 ext. 247 or
By Mail
Cheques made payable to “Abrigo Centre”
Abrigo Centre
1645 Dufferin Street,
Toronto, ON M6H 3L9