our Strength
Fundraising Gala

and lend a
helping hand

Abrigo has grown from an organization helping women facing abuse to one that helps everyone in our community.
Need Help? Abrigo is here for you.
Our Impact
At the Abrigo Centre, we’re dedicated to transforming lives and strengthening the community. Our diverse programming enriches seniors’ lives through education, recreation and wellness activities. Our Youth Outreach program helps young people understand what a healthy relationship looks like. Our Community Development and Integration program helps newcomers and those facing food, housing and income insecurity issues. Watch this video that reflects the work of our Gender-based Violence program which offers a beacon of hope for women facing intimate partner violence. Our counsellors help empower women escaping abuse.
Join us in our mission to build a safer, more vibrant community.
News and Events
Abrigo’s “Community is Our Strength” Fundraising Gala on March 22nd
Get to Know Our Team
Valeria Sales
Luciana Pache de Faria
Staff Member
Here's How You Can Help
Fundraising for the people and causes you care about
Abrigo Centre’s Volunteer Program
Despite the pandemic and the limited number of in-person volunteer opportunities, in fiscal 2020/2021 43 devoted volunteers generously gave 4,714 hours of their valuable time to service Abrigo clients and our community.
Assisting clients with applications forms
Providing support for programs
Organization celebrations and events
Interested in Volunteering at Abrigo?
If you are a university or community college student looking for practicum information, please contact our Program Supervisor Cidalia Pereira by telephone or e-mail, 416-534-3434 ext. 231 or cpereira@abrigo.ca.

Become A Volunteer
Funding Partners
We tackle the tough issues to help you build a better life.
Hours of Operation
Open for calls or walk-ins: Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed for Lunch noon to 1:00 p.m.
All clients are triaged according to need, with women facing gender-based violence taking priority. Please call us as your first step.