Annual General Meeting Agenda, You’re Invited

Annual General Meeting Agenda, You’re Invited



  1. Welcoming Remarks
  2. Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting
  3. Chairperson’s Report
  4. Financial Report and Appointment of Auditors
  5. Abrigo By-law Revisions
  6. Election of Board of Directors
  7. Other Business / Closing Remarks / Adjournment

Special Presentation

A Deep Dive into the Abrigo Community

How do we define a Community? What are the emerging trends, new strengths, demographics and demystified assumptions?

Lead by: Valeria Sales, Community Development and Integration Counselling Team Lead / Volunteer Coordinator

Land Acknowledgement

Today Toronto is host to many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. Toronto is within the territory of the Dish with One Spoon Treaty which requires responsibility of those who use the land to share it peaceably and care for it. The Abrigo Centre acknowledges this responsibility and recognizes the efforts of these nations in maintaining the land.

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