Grand Parade Walk Raises $7,700 for Abrigo’s Seniors
Abrigo’s inaugural participation in the Grand Parade walk raises awareness in the community and much needed funds for popular program

A Importância do Voluntariado no Canadá
No Canadá, o voluntariado não é apenas uma atividade socialmente valorizada, mas também uma poderosa ferramenta para ganhar experiência de trabalho e se adaptar à cultura local. A gaúcha Liliane

Loretto College and Abrigo Joining Forces to Combat Food Insecurity
Never before have Abrigo counsellors dealt with the complexity of issues many clients are presenting to our agency today. At the top of that list is food insecurity. Add in

Abrigo’s Fundraising Dinner Inspires Guests to New Heights
Abrigo Centre sponsors, supporters and guests gathered on Saturday, March 2 for the first time post-pandemic to raise funds for the agency at our annual fundraising dinner. The event entitled
Recognition of the Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic in Toronto
In Canada, 200 women and girls were killed by violence in 2022. Currently, every two and a half days a female is murdered in our country.
Embracing our Community through Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The Abrigo Centre is committed to supporting the unique experiences, talents and perspectives of our volunteers, students, staff and most importantly our clients. Our agency embraces all things that make
International Women’s Day 2023: Time to reflect about equity
International Women’s Day (IWD) is March 8 and across the world, celebrations and events will give us all an opportunity to reflect on the progress we’ve collectively made towards achieving
Rama Toronto East Volunteers Turn Time into Treasure
In today’s fast-paced world, one of life’s most precious commodities is time. People keep it, lose it, use it to simmer over a decision and often, we take it for
Abrigo’s Intake Program Transitions in Response to the Pandemic
The Abrigo Centre has been an integral part of the Portuguese-language community in Toronto for more than 32 years. As a non-profit community agency, we endeavor to continually adapt and be responsive to
Abrigo’s Annual United Way Campaign and Yard Sale
Abrigo’s annual Yard Sale Abrigo’s annual Yard Sale is a staple in the local Corso Italia community for sharp bargain hunters and casual shoppers alike. But there’s more to the