Costi problem gambling calendar contest award recipients announced

This past Fall, COSTI Immigrant Services and its community partners collaborated to produce a youth-illustrated calendar to raise awareness about problem gambling. Funded by the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network, the objective of the project was to produce a resource that could be a springboard for family discussions about gambling as a form of entertainment and not a way to make money. Children are more likely to gamble if they see adults in their lives gambling or hear their family members talking about winning at gambling. Studies show that an interest in gambling may be observed as early as the age of eight. Parents who talk about responsible gambling with their children help them to understand that there are risks to gambling that may lead to problems with their school work, and their relationship with their family and friends. Encouraging discussions about gambling does not mean that parents are encouraging gambling. In actuality, open and respectful conversations about gambling help children make informed choices about their own behaviour.

The calendar art work was selected by a panel of judges from entries received through an Art Competition open to youth attending schools and learning centres in the greater Toronto area. Youth were asked to explore various ideas to come up with a concept for their artwork on the theme of “problem gambling”.

Congratulations to the twelve students whose artwork was selected for publication:

  • Arusa Schedina, Age 17
  • Eric Cheung, Age 16
  • Evan Ji, Age 9
  • Fernanda Sousa, Age 11
  • Harrani Uthayasegaran, Age 12
  • Helen Kurnevich, Age 14
  • Jamielyn Mariano, Age 17
  • Nicole Di Biasio, Age 16
  • Parisa Fani-Molky, Age 13
  • Tajuana Payne, Age 15
  • Talitha Ling, Age 11
  • Winnie Phuong, Age 11

All twelve award recipients were presented with certificates and a $100 monetary award at an Awards Dinner held on Tuesday, December 13, 2011. COSTI would like to acknowledge the support received from the following project partners: Abrigo Centre, Addiction Services for York Region, Chinese Family Services of Ontario, For You Telecare Family Service, iDream Entertainment and Education, Tamil Eelam Society of Canada, and Vietnamese Association of Toronto.

Abrigo anuncia os premiados do Concurso de Arte sobre o tema do Jogo organizado por COSTI

Este Outono, COSTI Immigrant Services e seus parceiros comunitários colaboraram na produção de um calendário ilustrado por jovens a alertar sobre o problema dos jogos de azar.

Este projecto foi providenciado com fundos de Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network. O objectivo foi produzir um recurso que pudesse ser um tema de conversa em família sobre a questão do jogo como entertenimento e não uma maneira de fazer dinheiro.

As crianças estão mais prontas a jogar se veem os adultos do seu conhecimento a jogar ou se ouvem os seus familiares dizer que ganharam no jogo.
Os estudos indicam que as crianças podem começar a ter interesse no jogo a partir dos oito anos de idade. A mãe ou o pai que fala em jogar com responsibilidade, ajuda a criança a compreender que há riscos associados ao jogo que podem resultar em problemas com as tarefas da escola, relações com a família, e com as/os amigas/os. Quando a mãe ou o pai incentiva o diálogo sobre o jogo, isto não quer dizer que está a incentivar a criança aos jogos de azar. Na realidade, o diálogo aberto sobre jogos de azar ajuda a criança a tomar decisões apropriadas sobre o seu próprio comportamento.

Um concurso de arte foi lançado em várias comunidades para solicitor os trabalhos de jovens nas escolas e centros de ensino na área grande de Toronto. Pedimos aos jovens para elaborar vários temas, focando no vício do jogo. Um painel de juízes seleccionou as peças de arte a publicar no calendário.

Parabéns aos seguintes estudantes, cujas obras de arte foram seleccionadas para publicação:

  • Arusa Schedina, Age 17
  • Eric Cheung, Age 16
  • Evan Ji, Age 9
  • Fernanda Sousa, Age 11
  • Harrani Uthayasegaran, Age 12
  • Helen Kurnevich, Age 14
  • Jamielyn Mariano, Age 17
  • Nicole Di Biasio, Age 16
  • Parisa Fani-Molky, Age 13
  • Tajuana Payne, Age 15
  • Talitha Ling, Age 11
  • Winnie Phuong, Age 11

Todos os doze premiados receberam um certificado e um prémio de $100 durante um jantar de gala no dia 13 de Dezembro de 2011.

COSTI gostaria de reconhecer o apoio dos seguintes parceiros Abrigo Centre, Addiction Services for York Region, Chinese Family Services of Ontario, For You Telecare Family Service, iDream Entertainment and Education, Tamil Eelam Society of Canada, e Vietnamese Association of Toronto.

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Community is our Strength Gala Raffle Numbers!

Did you attend Abrigo’s Community is our Strength Fundraising Gala on Saturday, March 22 and missed picking up your winning Silent Auction Raffle prize? Do you still have your tickets? Well, we’ve got you covered. Here are the six (6) items and the winning raffle ticket colour and number. Please give us a call at 416-534-3434 if you are a winner!

  1. Social Media Consulting package – Ticket Colour: Red, Number: 17578915
  2. Assorted Liquorice Tin – Ticket Colour: Red, Number: 17579975
  3. Comicon Basket – Ticket Colour: Yellow, Number: 16974232
  4. Coffee Grinder & Treats – Ticket Colour: Red, Number: 17578014
  5. Ladies Pamper Basket – Ticket Colour: Red, Number: 17579905
  6. George Foreman Mini Grill – Ticket Colour: Red, Number: 17578671

We will hold all prizes until Friday, April 11, 2025. Please reach out before then to claim your prize!